Saturday, August 31, 2019


Describe their Job history since graduating and their perspectives about nursing education: entry into practice, simulation, online education . Determine how they view the problems and issues facing the profession. Also, assess their ability to treat patients holistically(mind, body and spirit) in their practice setting. Ask for suggestions that would enhance success in nursing school. Share what you have learned with the class. 3. Identify a health related issue/concern/problem in West Michigan. Apply a plan to duty the identified health concern from an epidemiological approach.Select one of the three approaches: Epidemiological Triangle, Web of Causation or Iceberg Theory. Collect the data which would be needed to address the identified concern. Include in your results how to address the issue, how the community may treat the concern and how it could be prevented from recurring or escalating. 4. Interview representatives from a variety of cultures to learn about experiences related to coloratura events that influence their life/health. While determining people to interview, consider representatives from different age or ethnic groups, ND other subcultures.Present your finding to the class. 5. Identify methods which could influence changes in health care delivery at the local, state and/or federal level. Consider the impact as an individual, a nurse, a member with the class. The projects will be completed by the last two class meetings. Each group will have 15 minutes to present their findings to the class. The project information must be presented in a creative manner. The first task is to designate a leader and a recorder. The names of the group members will be due at the end of the first class.If the leader is in violation, the group members can appoint a representative to discuss the concern with the professor. 3. If the group has members that are not following the expectations as promised, but have not notified as instructed, each member of the Learning G roup will receive the same grade on any group assignment. If the Learning Group does follow this commitment, individuals that are not contributing, will receive the individual grades. Preparation Followed all directions Teamwork Creativity Quality of presentation Accuracy of Information Syllabus Learning outcomes: Successful students will be familiar with the basic terminology, concepts, methods, history, and findings of sociology and the family, and be able to think critically bout human behavior related to marriage and the family as it is shaped by group life. The student will demonstrate an ability to recognize patterns of social diversity and inequality in the subject area, describe a range of key concepts and theoretical approaches in the subject area, and identify ethical issues in social science research.Students will also recognize the difference between causal and correlations relationship and recognize methods of inquiry that lead to scientific knowledge. Students will demonstrate critical thinking and sociological knowledge in a series of examination questions, heaper summaries, discussions, and projects. Learning objectives are listed at the beginning of each chapter in your textbook. II. Communicating with the instructor: email is the best way to reach me, and y ou must include your last name and â€Å"21 5† in the subject line of your email. Ill.College information and class policies (Note: see part B of this document for college-wide policies. Any class policies do not contradict the college policies but are in addition to the college policies. ) Important dates: These are listed at the bottom of this document. You are responsible for your calendar. Course specific attendance policies: Accessing the course is not attending. Attendance is measured by discussion board contributions, and you're expected to do this twice a week. Excessive failures to contribute may result in your being dropped from the class.Academic dishonesty: This may result in being reported to the dean, and an for the course. Course plan for college closing: Please stay tuned to your College email, local news, and to the German Community College website for information. The chances are good that if the school is closed ring our regular class time, you will receive an email instructing you to post work on Blackboard in a discussion area. Electronics (I. E. Cell phones)/Food classroom policy: Because this is an online class, you may use electronics and food as you like in your own home. Grading policy and grading scale: This course is graded on a point system.There is no rounding of final grades. Late Discussion Board and Quiz work will not be graded. Late papers during the semester will be graded with a 20% grade penalty per day late. Papers submitted after the last day of class will not be graded. There are 16 timed Textbook Quizzes (1 60 points). Discussion Board contributions are due for each of the 16 chapters (80 points). Five papers are assigned (500 points). One final exam (1 50 points). Your exam will be available as listed in your schedule of assignments in the Testing Centers at the German an Community College campuses at Locust Grove and Fredericksburg.Due dates are listed in the course and attached, in the Schedule of Assignments. I check for plagiarism. If find it the penalties are severe, ranging from a zero on the assignment to an for the course. The read penalty imposed will be at the discretion of your instructor, but regardless of the grade penalty, you will be reported to the Dean and to the Tutoring Center. You will also be required to complete a special tutorial at ICC which is currently offered at the discretion of the Tutoring Center. If you aren't sure what plagiarism is, advise you to go to the anti-plagiarism tutorial that the Tutoring Center offers.Instructions for each assignment are detailed in the â€Å"Assignments† button of the Blackboard course. If you don't understand the instructions, please ask specific questions. Students failing to use proper â€Å"netiquette† may be removed from the course at the discretion of the instructor. Layoff wish to challenge a grade you must notify me Of your challenge within a week of its appearance In your † My Grades† area of B lackboard if you expect a timely response. Proofread your papers and correct any errors before you submit them to the course.I do not accept work with multiple errors in grammar, punctuation and/or spelling. Please ask the writing tutor for help in the Tutoring Center at one of our campuses, or at Smartening tutoring services in the Blackboard course. This is a college course and you should be submitting college level work. You are required to complete the unguarded work which is due during the first week of the semester in order to receive a grade for this course Grading Scale: 890 is the maximum number of points available in this course. 801-890= A; 712-800. BIB; 623-71 1. 99=C: 534-622. 99= D; Although Blackboard has a method for you to check your class average, the final determinant of your grade will be the total points you earn. IV. Expectations (Mine and Yours) expect you to read the textbook before attempting to complete any assignment that is based on it. I expect you to su bmit your own original work rather than that of anyone else. I expect it to be on time and as assigned. Expect you to be polite to each other and to me. Impolite behavior can result in suspension and/or expulsion from the class.I expect you be prepared to back up contrary claims to material in the textbook and lecture with scientific evidence. Use proper netiquette in this course when using Blackboard. Don't take anyone else's post or comment from this class and give it to people who are not enrolled in the course. If this is a face to face class, don't take other people's personal details and give them to others who are not in the class. Personal details that are shared here should stay here. On the other hand, don't discuss details about your personal life that you would not want strangers to know. Syllabus Learn how to ensure that the company has sufficient capital for operations, growth, and minimization of shareholder wealth. Demonstrate an understanding of how time value Of money, risk, and diversification can contribute to good decision-making in business and to their own accumulation of wealth and financial security. Learn how to use Finance in many practical applications of everyday life.Course Contentiousness Learning Outcomes (LO) Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: LOL Demonstrate an understanding of financial analysis – COP Critical Thinking ALL Demonstrate an understanding of time value of money – COP #5. Critical Thinking ALL Demonstrate an understanding of financial valuation – COP #5. Critical Thinking ALL Demonstrate an understanding of real asset valuation – COP #5. Critical Thinking ALL Demonstrate an understanding of risk & return – COP Critical Thinking Required Topics 1.Overview of Financial Managem ent 2. Financial Analysis, Analysis of Financial Statements 3. Time Value of Money 4. Financial Valuation Real Asset Valuation 5. 6. Risk & Return 7. Interest Rates Bonds and their Valuation 8. 9. Stocks and their Valuation 10. Capital Budgeting Required Texts/Readings Textbook The required Text is â€Å"Fundamentals of Financial Management†, Concise 7th Edition by Meghan and Houston, ISBN-13: 978-0-538-4771 1-6 Other equipment / material requirements (optional) You must have a financial calculator. HOBBIT is recommended.Please bring our calculator to class on the first day and every day after that. It is available at Best Buy or Staples and similar stores. Classroom Protocol Class time will be divided between lectures, quizzes, and open discussion. Lectures highlight the key points of the material on which students will be tested. Therefore class attendance and class participation is crucial to succeeding in this course. Students are expected to arrive on time and should con tact the instructor in advance if they cannot attend or will be late for class or exams.Students must read assigned text material PRIOR to attending class. Completion of assigned homework is also crucial to understanding important concepts. Discussions on current/historical events as they relate to the subject area being studied will make the class relevant and interesting. Credit will be given for class participation and is highly encouraged. Students are advised to see me during office hours if they sense that they are falling behind and need help understanding the material.Dropping and Adding Students are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about add/drops, academic renewal, etc. Information on add/drops are available at http://www. Jus. Du/advising/FAQ/index. Tm#add Information about late drop is available at http://whim. Jus. Du/ears/policies/allotrope/. Students should be aware of the current deadlines and penalties for adding and dropping classes. Assign ments and Grading Policy Grading in the course will be based upon two mid-term exams, a final exam, quizzes, take home assignments, completed homework and class participation.Exams will include multiple choice questions on both lecture material and assigned readings. Students will be tested on problem solving and conceptual understanding. Task % of Course Grade First Mid Term Exam Second Mid Term Exam 25% In class Quizzes Assignments and participation 5% Final Exam Total University Policies Academic integrity Students should know the University Academic Integrity Policy that is available at http://www. As. Jus. Du/download/judicial_affairs/ Academic_linearity_Policy_ASS-2. UDF Your own commitment to learning, as evidenced by your enrollment at San Jose State University and the University integrity policy, require you to be honest in all your academic course work. Faculty members are required to report all infractions to the office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development. The webs ite for Student Conduct and Ethical Development is available at http://www. As. Jus. Du/judicial_affairs/ index. HTML Instances of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.Cheating on exams or plagiarism (presenting the work of another as your own, or the use of another person's ideas without giving proper credit) will result in a failing grade and sanctions by the University. For this class, all assignments are to be completed by the individual student unless otherwise specified. If you would like to include in your assignment any material you have submitted, or plan to vomit for another class, please note that July's Academic policy OFF-1 requires approval of instructors.Campus Policy in Compliance with the American Disabilities Act If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need to make special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours. Presid ential Directive 97-03 requires that students with disabilities requesting accommodations must register with the DRY (Disability Resource Center) to establish a record of their disability.Student Technology Resources (Optional) Computer labs for student use are available in the Academic Success Center located on the 1 SST floor of Clark Hall and on the 2nd floor of the Student Union. Additional computer labs may be available in your department/ college. Computers are also available in the Martin Luther King Library. A wide variety of audio-visual equipment is available for student checkout from Media Services located in IIRC 1 12. These items include digital and VS. camcorders, VS. and Beta video players, 16 mm, slide, overhead, DVD, CD, and audiotape players, sound systems, wireless microphones, projection screens and monitors.Learning Assistance Resource Center (Optional) The Learning Assistance Resource Center (LARCH) is located in Room 600 in the Student Services Center. It is d esigned to assist students in the development of their full academic potential and to motivate them to become self-directed learners. The center provides support services, such as skills assessment, individual or group tutorials, subject advising, learning assistance, summer academic preparation and basic skills development. The LARCH website is located at http:/www. Jus. Du/larch/ College of Business Policies:To ensure that every student, current and future, who takes courses in the Boxcar Business Center has the opportunity to experience an environment that is safe, attractive, and otherwise conducive to learning, the College of Business at San Joss State has established the following policies: Eating: Eating and drinking (except water) are prohibited in the Boxcar Business Center. Students with food will be asked to leave the building. Students who disrupt the course by eating and do not leave the building will be referred to the Judicial Affairs Officer of the university. Cell P hones:Students will turn their cell phones off or put them on vibrate mode while in class. They will not answer their phones in class. Students whose phones disrupt the course and do not stop when requested by the instructor will be referred to the Judicial Affairs Officer of the University. Computer Use: In the classroom, faculty allow students to use computers only for class- related activities. These include activities such as taking notes on the lecture underway, following the lecture on Web-based Powering slides that the instructor has posted, and finding Web sites to which the instructor directs dents at the time of the lecture. Syllabus Is not a review course, and is designed to integrate all the core materials you have covered here at The Fox School in an applications context, with emphasis on critical thinking, problem solving, and business communications. There will be discussions of core business concepts that you will use in the Capsicum simulation, but you are responsible for knowing and demonstrating an ability to apply all the concepts covered in the core Fox School business curriculum. We will not spend class time going over, In detail, the concepts covered In the ABA core.There are many online sources, such as Wisped, that you can use If you need to review the ABA core material. The course's goal Is to help you synthesize the tools you have acquired in your other courses such that you can draw meaningful conclusions for developing effective organizational strategies and programs. BAA 3103 will bridge the gap between theoretical class work and business practice. We will use the Capsicum business simulation as a vehicle to test alternative ways to manage a business in a competitive environment. Emphasis will be on developing leaning and problem solving skills.We also will explore concepts in classroom discussions, case presentations, and critical analyses of current topics. Your participation In class discussions is important, required and expected. Your participation In all classroom discussions Is required. Guest lecturers will further enrich your learning. I will Invite a mix of seasoned â€Å"pros†, relatively new business entrants, ex-students and other business professionals to speak to you and answer your questions. Further, you will quickly realize that I do not suffer fools gladly. So, Syllabus Only 3 exams will be calculated in the final grade. The lowest exam score or any missed exam will count as your dropped exam. You can only drop one missed exam score. These exams will be given on the dates indicated in the lecture schedule so please plan and attend class during these dates. The lecture exams may consist of multiple choice, matching, fill-in-the- blank, true/false, labeling, short answer and short problem solving questions. Final exam (20% of final grade): The final exam will be cumulative and cover material from the whole semester.There will be 100 multiple choice questions on the exam. Approximately 50% of the questions will cover previously tested material. The other 50% of the questions will cover new material covered after the forth in class exam. Class assignments (30% of final grade): There will be 6 class assignments over the course of the semester. The value of each assignment is 50 puts. The due date will appear at the top of each assignment. Class assignmen ts are designed to encourage students to apply the concepts learned in lecture to real-life examples of the concepts.Class assignments may consist of essay questions, response to short answer questions, drawing/sketching model systems, website based assignments and/or other formats such as terminology. All work on the assignments is to be done INDIVIDUALLY, unless otherwise stated. Further details of each assignment will be given out in class. Lecture Quizzes (10%) Quizzes encourage students to keep up with the material. There will be 6 quizzes over the course of the semester. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped. Only 5 quiz scores will be calculated in the final grade.All quizzes will cover the material presented in lecture. The value of each quiz is 20 puts. Quizzes will be taken in the first 5-10 minutes of class and there will be no opportunity to make up a quiz. The quiz that is missed will be the quiz that is dropped. Cell Structure Presentation (2%) Each student will give a n eight minute presentation on cell structure and function to his class. The information can be presented by Powering, brochure, poster board, individual sketches or models. The presentation must include animal or plant cell structures and organelles.You will need to identify and explain the function of the structures and organelles to the class. This project will allow you to understand cell structure and function. It will give you the opportunity to make an oral presentation to your classmates and enhance your communication skills. I will be grading this assignment for accuracy and details. Class Participation (5%) experience, and should involve things like asking and answering questions, sharing observations and thoughts, and engaging in class exercises and other small group work.Professionalism (3% of final grade) Stevenson University faculty, staff and students are expected to follow certain basic guidelines for behavior, in and outside of class, based on principles of respect for others and respect for community. We are all members of this institution, and our comportment and manner should reflect our commitment to an environment in which all fellow community members can feel safe and secure. As you prepare for a career in any field, it is essential that you develop professional attitudes and behaviors in addition to the cognitive (knowledge) and psychosomatic (techniques) skills.Therefore, the School of the Sciences at Stevenson University encourages your development of professionalism as part of your career preparation here by requiring a grade for professional attitude and behavior in every course in the School. In this particular class, the professionalism grade constitutes 3% of your final grade, and will reflect your level of involvement in class discussion and other lass activities, as well as your respectful attitude toward everyone during class.Some examples of professional behavior on the part of students in this class may include: Not testing or using cell phones during class time Not using a laptop computer for purposes other than for in-class work Cleaning up after oneself when the class is done Not reading non-class-related material in class Not listening to music in class Not sleeping in class When communicating with faculty, staff and/or students – whether in person, by phone, by text, by e-mail, etc. Use appropriately respectful language. Some examples of professional behavior on the part of the faculty member in this class may include: Showing respect to the students through language and deed Adapting the class to individual students' needs Explaining professionalism on the first day of class Talking to individual students whose behavior has a negative effect on class Professional attributes that will be graded: 1 . Student adheres to the attendance policies established by the course syllabus. 2.Student is consistently well-prepared and submits all assignments according to 3. Student demonstrates a respectf ul attitude and professional demeanor with casualty and peers. 4. Student demonstrates flexibility with changes to the course schedule. 5. Student demonstrates the ability to follow verbal and written instructions. 6. Student complies with all safety regulations. 7. The student is cooperative in class and laboratory and not disruptive of his or her fellow students. 8. The student actively participates in class activities and discussion. Syllabus Learn how to ensure that the company has sufficient capital for operations, growth, and minimization of shareholder wealth. Demonstrate an understanding of how time value Of money, risk, and diversification can contribute to good decision-making in business and to their own accumulation of wealth and financial security. Learn how to use Finance in many practical applications of everyday life.Course Contentiousness Learning Outcomes (LO) Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: LOL Demonstrate an understanding of financial analysis – COP Critical Thinking ALL Demonstrate an understanding of time value of money – COP #5. Critical Thinking ALL Demonstrate an understanding of financial valuation – COP #5. Critical Thinking ALL Demonstrate an understanding of real asset valuation – COP #5. Critical Thinking ALL Demonstrate an understanding of risk & return – COP Critical Thinking Required Topics 1.Overview of Financial Managem ent 2. Financial Analysis, Analysis of Financial Statements 3. Time Value of Money 4. Financial Valuation Real Asset Valuation 5. 6. Risk & Return 7. Interest Rates Bonds and their Valuation 8. 9. Stocks and their Valuation 10. Capital Budgeting Required Texts/Readings Textbook The required Text is â€Å"Fundamentals of Financial Management†, Concise 7th Edition by Meghan and Houston, ISBN-13: 978-0-538-4771 1-6 Other equipment / material requirements (optional) You must have a financial calculator. HOBBIT is recommended.Please bring our calculator to class on the first day and every day after that. It is available at Best Buy or Staples and similar stores. Classroom Protocol Class time will be divided between lectures, quizzes, and open discussion. Lectures highlight the key points of the material on which students will be tested. Therefore class attendance and class participation is crucial to succeeding in this course. Students are expected to arrive on time and should con tact the instructor in advance if they cannot attend or will be late for class or exams.Students must read assigned text material PRIOR to attending class. Completion of assigned homework is also crucial to understanding important concepts. Discussions on current/historical events as they relate to the subject area being studied will make the class relevant and interesting. Credit will be given for class participation and is highly encouraged. Students are advised to see me during office hours if they sense that they are falling behind and need help understanding the material.Dropping and Adding Students are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about add/drops, academic renewal, etc. Information on add/drops are available at http://www. Jus. Du/advising/FAQ/index. Tm#add Information about late drop is available at http://whim. Jus. Du/ears/policies/allotrope/. Students should be aware of the current deadlines and penalties for adding and dropping classes. Assign ments and Grading Policy Grading in the course will be based upon two mid-term exams, a final exam, quizzes, take home assignments, completed homework and class participation.Exams will include multiple choice questions on both lecture material and assigned readings. Students will be tested on problem solving and conceptual understanding. Task % of Course Grade First Mid Term Exam Second Mid Term Exam 25% In class Quizzes Assignments and participation 5% Final Exam Total University Policies Academic integrity Students should know the University Academic Integrity Policy that is available at http://www. As. Jus. Du/download/judicial_affairs/ Academic_linearity_Policy_ASS-2. UDF Your own commitment to learning, as evidenced by your enrollment at San Jose State University and the University integrity policy, require you to be honest in all your academic course work. Faculty members are required to report all infractions to the office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development. The webs ite for Student Conduct and Ethical Development is available at http://www. As. Jus. Du/judicial_affairs/ index. HTML Instances of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.Cheating on exams or plagiarism (presenting the work of another as your own, or the use of another person's ideas without giving proper credit) will result in a failing grade and sanctions by the University. For this class, all assignments are to be completed by the individual student unless otherwise specified. If you would like to include in your assignment any material you have submitted, or plan to vomit for another class, please note that July's Academic policy OFF-1 requires approval of instructors.Campus Policy in Compliance with the American Disabilities Act If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need to make special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours. Presid ential Directive 97-03 requires that students with disabilities requesting accommodations must register with the DRY (Disability Resource Center) to establish a record of their disability.Student Technology Resources (Optional) Computer labs for student use are available in the Academic Success Center located on the 1 SST floor of Clark Hall and on the 2nd floor of the Student Union. Additional computer labs may be available in your department/ college. Computers are also available in the Martin Luther King Library. A wide variety of audio-visual equipment is available for student checkout from Media Services located in IIRC 1 12. These items include digital and VS. camcorders, VS. and Beta video players, 16 mm, slide, overhead, DVD, CD, and audiotape players, sound systems, wireless microphones, projection screens and monitors.Learning Assistance Resource Center (Optional) The Learning Assistance Resource Center (LARCH) is located in Room 600 in the Student Services Center. It is d esigned to assist students in the development of their full academic potential and to motivate them to become self-directed learners. The center provides support services, such as skills assessment, individual or group tutorials, subject advising, learning assistance, summer academic preparation and basic skills development. The LARCH website is located at http:/www. Jus. Du/larch/ College of Business Policies:To ensure that every student, current and future, who takes courses in the Boxcar Business Center has the opportunity to experience an environment that is safe, attractive, and otherwise conducive to learning, the College of Business at San Joss State has established the following policies: Eating: Eating and drinking (except water) are prohibited in the Boxcar Business Center. Students with food will be asked to leave the building. Students who disrupt the course by eating and do not leave the building will be referred to the Judicial Affairs Officer of the university. Cell P hones:Students will turn their cell phones off or put them on vibrate mode while in class. They will not answer their phones in class. Students whose phones disrupt the course and do not stop when requested by the instructor will be referred to the Judicial Affairs Officer of the University. Computer Use: In the classroom, faculty allow students to use computers only for class- related activities. These include activities such as taking notes on the lecture underway, following the lecture on Web-based Powering slides that the instructor has posted, and finding Web sites to which the instructor directs dents at the time of the lecture. Syllabus Only 3 exams will be calculated in the final grade. The lowest exam score or any missed exam will count as your dropped exam. You can only drop one missed exam score. These exams will be given on the dates indicated in the lecture schedule so please plan and attend class during these dates. The lecture exams may consist of multiple choice, matching, fill-in-the- blank, true/false, labeling, short answer and short problem solving questions. Final exam (20% of final grade): The final exam will be cumulative and cover material from the whole semester.There will be 100 multiple choice questions on the exam. Approximately 50% of the questions will cover previously tested material. The other 50% of the questions will cover new material covered after the forth in class exam. Class assignments (30% of final grade): There will be 6 class assignments over the course of the semester. The value of each assignment is 50 puts. The due date will appear at the top of each assignment. Class assignmen ts are designed to encourage students to apply the concepts learned in lecture to real-life examples of the concepts.Class assignments may consist of essay questions, response to short answer questions, drawing/sketching model systems, website based assignments and/or other formats such as terminology. All work on the assignments is to be done INDIVIDUALLY, unless otherwise stated. Further details of each assignment will be given out in class. Lecture Quizzes (10%) Quizzes encourage students to keep up with the material. There will be 6 quizzes over the course of the semester. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped. Only 5 quiz scores will be calculated in the final grade.All quizzes will cover the material presented in lecture. The value of each quiz is 20 puts. Quizzes will be taken in the first 5-10 minutes of class and there will be no opportunity to make up a quiz. The quiz that is missed will be the quiz that is dropped. Cell Structure Presentation (2%) Each student will give a n eight minute presentation on cell structure and function to his class. The information can be presented by Powering, brochure, poster board, individual sketches or models. The presentation must include animal or plant cell structures and organelles.You will need to identify and explain the function of the structures and organelles to the class. This project will allow you to understand cell structure and function. It will give you the opportunity to make an oral presentation to your classmates and enhance your communication skills. I will be grading this assignment for accuracy and details. Class Participation (5%) experience, and should involve things like asking and answering questions, sharing observations and thoughts, and engaging in class exercises and other small group work.Professionalism (3% of final grade) Stevenson University faculty, staff and students are expected to follow certain basic guidelines for behavior, in and outside of class, based on principles of respect for others and respect for community. We are all members of this institution, and our comportment and manner should reflect our commitment to an environment in which all fellow community members can feel safe and secure. As you prepare for a career in any field, it is essential that you develop professional attitudes and behaviors in addition to the cognitive (knowledge) and psychosomatic (techniques) skills.Therefore, the School of the Sciences at Stevenson University encourages your development of professionalism as part of your career preparation here by requiring a grade for professional attitude and behavior in every course in the School. In this particular class, the professionalism grade constitutes 3% of your final grade, and will reflect your level of involvement in class discussion and other lass activities, as well as your respectful attitude toward everyone during class.Some examples of professional behavior on the part of students in this class may include: Not testing or using cell phones during class time Not using a laptop computer for purposes other than for in-class work Cleaning up after oneself when the class is done Not reading non-class-related material in class Not listening to music in class Not sleeping in class When communicating with faculty, staff and/or students – whether in person, by phone, by text, by e-mail, etc. Use appropriately respectful language. Some examples of professional behavior on the part of the faculty member in this class may include: Showing respect to the students through language and deed Adapting the class to individual students' needs Explaining professionalism on the first day of class Talking to individual students whose behavior has a negative effect on class Professional attributes that will be graded: 1 . Student adheres to the attendance policies established by the course syllabus. 2.Student is consistently well-prepared and submits all assignments according to 3. Student demonstrates a respectf ul attitude and professional demeanor with casualty and peers. 4. Student demonstrates flexibility with changes to the course schedule. 5. Student demonstrates the ability to follow verbal and written instructions. 6. Student complies with all safety regulations. 7. The student is cooperative in class and laboratory and not disruptive of his or her fellow students. 8. The student actively participates in class activities and discussion. Syllabus Only 3 exams will be calculated in the final grade. The lowest exam score or any missed exam will count as your dropped exam. You can only drop one missed exam score. These exams will be given on the dates indicated in the lecture schedule so please plan and attend class during these dates. The lecture exams may consist of multiple choice, matching, fill-in-the- blank, true/false, labeling, short answer and short problem solving questions. Final exam (20% of final grade): The final exam will be cumulative and cover material from the whole semester.There will be 100 multiple choice questions on the exam. Approximately 50% of the questions will cover previously tested material. The other 50% of the questions will cover new material covered after the forth in class exam. Class assignments (30% of final grade): There will be 6 class assignments over the course of the semester. The value of each assignment is 50 puts. The due date will appear at the top of each assignment. Class assignmen ts are designed to encourage students to apply the concepts learned in lecture to real-life examples of the concepts.Class assignments may consist of essay questions, response to short answer questions, drawing/sketching model systems, website based assignments and/or other formats such as terminology. All work on the assignments is to be done INDIVIDUALLY, unless otherwise stated. Further details of each assignment will be given out in class. Lecture Quizzes (10%) Quizzes encourage students to keep up with the material. There will be 6 quizzes over the course of the semester. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped. Only 5 quiz scores will be calculated in the final grade.All quizzes will cover the material presented in lecture. The value of each quiz is 20 puts. Quizzes will be taken in the first 5-10 minutes of class and there will be no opportunity to make up a quiz. The quiz that is missed will be the quiz that is dropped. Cell Structure Presentation (2%) Each student will give a n eight minute presentation on cell structure and function to his class. The information can be presented by Powering, brochure, poster board, individual sketches or models. The presentation must include animal or plant cell structures and organelles.You will need to identify and explain the function of the structures and organelles to the class. This project will allow you to understand cell structure and function. It will give you the opportunity to make an oral presentation to your classmates and enhance your communication skills. I will be grading this assignment for accuracy and details. Class Participation (5%) experience, and should involve things like asking and answering questions, sharing observations and thoughts, and engaging in class exercises and other small group work.Professionalism (3% of final grade) Stevenson University faculty, staff and students are expected to follow certain basic guidelines for behavior, in and outside of class, based on principles of respect for others and respect for community. We are all members of this institution, and our comportment and manner should reflect our commitment to an environment in which all fellow community members can feel safe and secure. As you prepare for a career in any field, it is essential that you develop professional attitudes and behaviors in addition to the cognitive (knowledge) and psychosomatic (techniques) skills.Therefore, the School of the Sciences at Stevenson University encourages your development of professionalism as part of your career preparation here by requiring a grade for professional attitude and behavior in every course in the School. In this particular class, the professionalism grade constitutes 3% of your final grade, and will reflect your level of involvement in class discussion and other lass activities, as well as your respectful attitude toward everyone during class.Some examples of professional behavior on the part of students in this class may include: Not testing or using cell phones during class time Not using a laptop computer for purposes other than for in-class work Cleaning up after oneself when the class is done Not reading non-class-related material in class Not listening to music in class Not sleeping in class When communicating with faculty, staff and/or students – whether in person, by phone, by text, by e-mail, etc. Use appropriately respectful language. Some examples of professional behavior on the part of the faculty member in this class may include: Showing respect to the students through language and deed Adapting the class to individual students' needs Explaining professionalism on the first day of class Talking to individual students whose behavior has a negative effect on class Professional attributes that will be graded: 1 . Student adheres to the attendance policies established by the course syllabus. 2.Student is consistently well-prepared and submits all assignments according to 3. Student demonstrates a respectf ul attitude and professional demeanor with casualty and peers. 4. Student demonstrates flexibility with changes to the course schedule. 5. Student demonstrates the ability to follow verbal and written instructions. 6. Student complies with all safety regulations. 7. The student is cooperative in class and laboratory and not disruptive of his or her fellow students. 8. The student actively participates in class activities and discussion.

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